Market, Borough Market, next to asian frying food, carts rolling, people strolling through looking for a meal, London, UK
Supermarket, small crowd
Book store, small, kids, people talking, walking by closely, register beeping, close sorting, close foot steps on wooden floor, Zurich, Switzerland
Supermarket, metal door slamming, kids, coins, near checkout, Basel, Switzerland
Supermarket, near escalators, few customers, opening and closing fridge door, register beeping, footsteps, talking, Basel, Switzerland
Supermarket, young people, plastic baskets, beeping from register, food supplies, Basel, Switzerland
Shop, small family crowd, handling things, asking questions, kid
Shop, book store, small crowd, paper wrapping, Austrian language, wooden floor, high ceiling
Supermarket, fridge cabinet, cooling shelf, customers talking, walking around, children, old fashioned till, money, coins, plastic bags, Skrila, Croatia
Super market, Manhattan, fridges, cooler section, chiller cabinets, New York City, USA
Mall, Chelsea market, Manhattan, busy, people talking, walking by, handling goods, outside traffic, New York City, USA
Shop, Chelsea, Manhattan, few customers, cash register, air conditioning, cloth hangers, product handling
Shop, medium size, Chelsea, Manhattan, few customers, cash register, New York City, USA
Market, EXT, busy, on square, Morningside Heights, Manhattan, traffic, people talking, beeping, plastic bags, street musician tuning his guitar, New York City, USA
Supermarket near cash register, small crowd, beeping, goods on conveyor belt, talking, Poznan, Poland
Supermarket, few people, talking and singing, fridge doors and register beeping, Poznan, Poland
Market, EXT, at port near street traffic, register beeping, cash payment, sandals, Ibiza, Spain
Shop, small, quiet, customers and clerk talking, till, money, jewelry, wooden drawer, sticky floor, Paris, France
Market, packing things, ordering, paying, cash register, beeping, shopping bags, zip, coins, families, medium crowd, Brno, Czech Republic
Supermarket, near cashier, self service, checkout, beeping, metal baskets, plastic bags, London, UK
Shop, book store, near counter, cashier, metal cash register open and close, customer conversation, London, UK
Fitting rooms, open doors, close doors, hangers, plastic bags, fabrics, shoes, distant people
Supermarket, near checkout, beeping, kid crying
Shop, gifts, medium crowd, kids, carpet floor, International language
Department store, medium crowd, Austrian language, cashiers, kid calling in BG, short alarm
Museum Shop, antique building with arches, footsteps, beeping, Austrian language