Pedestrian zone, tramway station, Austrian language
Bridge, under the bridge, cars passing by over head, heavy metal impacts
Train station, people walking by, young passengers, kids, talking, luggage, trains in background, Basel, Switzerland
Bus ride, Graz, bumpy road, halts, doors open and close, beeps, distant conversation
Train station, Vienna Westbahnhof, very high ceiling, escalators
Tramway, Vienna, Austrian language, three stops
Subway ride, 4 stops, quiet ride, few passengers, short version, New York City, USA
Subway ride, 5 stops, passenger talking, small to medium crowd, long version, New York City, USA
Train station, Queens, night, crickets, escalators, some close activity from few people, trolley, plastic bag, New York City, USA
Train station, Queens, night, crickets, escalators, distant people, New York City, USA
Airport, gate,TV in BG, people talking, waiting lounge, New York City, USA
Airport check in, medium crowd, French language, trolleys, New York City, USA
Bus Terminal, Manhattan, beeping from ticket dispenser, information desk, New York City, USA
Subway station, passengers passing through turnstiles, subways arriving and departing on other platforms, talking, beeping, New York City, USA
Train station, Manhattan, INT, very busy, people walking by, talking, shops in BG, New York City, USA
Train station, EXT, Penn station, busy, people walking by, talking, luggage, traffic, car horns, New York City, USA
Train station, Queens, night, crickets, escalators, few people, walking by, some close activity from passengers, New York City, USA
Airport, baggage claim, people walking by, lifting up luggage, conversations, New York City, USA
Subway platform, U1, 2 trains approaching and leaving, Vienna, Austria
Train station, low ceiling, some passengers with luggage, Vienna, Austria
Train platform, subway, INT, low ceiling, trains leaving and arriving, Vienna, Austria
Train platform, distant traffic, trains approaching and leaving, passengers, Vienna, Austria
Tramway ride, small crowd talking, mechanical noises, 2 stops, Poznan, Poland
Tramway station, gravel on pavement, tramway, youth, adolescents talking and laughing, tramway arrives and leaves, Poznan, Poland
Motorway service area, background highway traffic, people getting in and out of their cars, leaving, close car engine start 1min50, Rohrdorf, Germany
Train platform, train starting up, air valve, pneumatic break, second train passing by, first train power off, distant birds and crickets, distant children playing, Monterotondo, Italy
Airport EXT, cars and busses passing by, people with trolleys walking by, talking, small crowd, Rome, Italy
Train in station, inside, waiting for train to leave, doors opening and closing while beeping, people getting on, noise from platform through open doors, Rome, Italy
Train station, people talking, laughing, distant trains, air valve, beeping cart, Rome, Italy
Subway train platform, trains approaching and leaving, air valve, whistle, Rome, Italy
Train platform, train starting up, air valve, hydraulic, pneumatic break, second train passing by, first train power off, distant birds and crickets, distant children playing, Monterotondo, Italy
Train ticket office, ticket machine sounds, single footsteps, Monterotondo, Italy
Airport check in hall, rich in sound events, German, French and American language, luggages, London, UK
Train station, on platform INT, passengers with luggage, beeping, London, UK
Underground, platform, South Kensington, Piccadilly line, 3 trains arriving and leaving, London, UK
Airport, Oslo, check in hall, International language, handle luggage
Train station Oslo, restaurant, quiet, distant small crowd
Subway, Vienna, platform with passengers, two trains approaching and leaving
Subway, Vienna, U3, large crowd, two short rides
Taxi, cab drive, voices over radio, Belgrade, Serbia