Meadow, wind trees, gusts, chaffinch bird, calmness, quietness, organic, Talary, Poland
Playground, near street, evening, dog, people talking and calling dog, gravel ground, Poznan, Poland
Jets over the city, distant rumble of engines in city, distant shouting, Poznan, Poland
Countryside, wind in trees, fountain water, birds, sparrow, pigeon, Poznan, Poland
Camping ground, morning, close movements in tent, car doors, wind in trees, sandals, Poznan, Poland
Village, crossroad, sparrows, chaffinch bird, distant traffic, some car passes, truck pass, Gostyn, Poland
Road, several car passes, plane rumble, cars create wind in trees, insects, bug , Talary, Poland
Countryside, tractors, birds, flies, wind in trees, gusts, no talking, rooster, Mszczyczyn, Poland
Supermarket near cash register, small crowd, beeping, goods on conveyor belt, talking, Poznan, Poland
Cafe terrace, EXT, near fountain, small crowd, cutlery, laughing, Poznan, Poland
Market, distant medium crowd, kids, bell ringing, clapping, wolf-whistling 1min, busy, bright, Poznan, Poland
Square, Stary Rynek, main square, tour guide with kids, cart, bells, car idling, distant maintenance work, Poznan, Poland
Bus ride, 3 stops, metal rattling loose, quiet, almost no passengers, Poznan, Poland
Park, near street, small crowd with children talking, Poznan, Poland
Bus ride, 2 stops, few people, some conversation, air conditioning full on, Poznan, Poland
University, campus EXT, small crowd, distant medium crowd, plane overhead, distant traffic, conversation, Poznan, Poland
University, entrance hallway, busy, large crowd, doors, many conversations, Poznan, Poland
University, small corridor hallway, exams, large crowd talking, doors, Poznan, Poland
University, medium sized hall, large crowd, distant cafe, students talking, doors slammed, Poznan, Poland
Cafe, small room, Barista at work, making coffee, milk, people talking closely, fridge doors, Poznan, Poland
Party tent, very big, plastic flaps, wooden floor, metal squeaks, wind going through and moving parts, Poznan, Poland
Waterpark, lake, near highway, calm water, morning, water splashes, distant metal impacts, Poznan, Poland
Countryside, wind in trees, pigeon, distance traffic rumble, crow, Poznan, Poland
Countryside, wind in trees, distant traffic rumble, calmness, quietness, birds, dog, Poznan, Poland
Residential, night, quiet street, pedestrian walks by, bird calling from 2min, Poznan, Poland
Street corner, night, traffic, several car passes, people walking and running, Poznan, Poland
Lane, small young crowd outside of bar, singing, chatting, making fun and laughing, Poznan, Poland
Main square, Stary Rynek, night, distant big crowd, laughing, bass music and dog, Poznan, Poland
Square, Plac Wielkopolski, distant medium crowd, yelling, some cars, Poznan, Poland
Square, medium crowd, Bar, EXT, conversations, Poznan, Poland
Supermarket, few people, talking and singing, fridge doors and register beeping, Poznan, Poland
Street, night time, people going out, young people talking, some cars, wolf-whistling and sneezing, Poznan, Poland
Square, tramway stop, young people going out and talking, night time, tramway arriving and leaving, Poznan, Poland
Tramway ride, medium crowd talking, 2 stops, beeping, Poznan, Poland
Tramway ride, small crowd talking, mechanical noises, 2 stops, Poznan, Poland
Tramway station, gravel on pavement, tramway, youth, adolescents talking and laughing, tramway arrives and leaves, Poznan, Poland
Street, tramway, cars, low jet plane overhead, people pass, Poznan, Poland
Riverside, Warta, park, party EXT, young people, happy summer feeling in the grass, Poznan, Poland