Bar, EXT, NoHo, Manhattan, people talking, medium crowd, dishes, electric humming, New York City, USA
Bar, EXT, NoHo, Manhattan, people talking, medium crowd, dishes, electric humming, New York City, USA
Bar, EXT, NoHo, Manhattan, people talking, medium crowd, dishes, electric humming, New York City, USA
Related Sounds
Las Vegas, hotel, entrance, EXT, luggage handle, cars arriving, doors
Las Vegas, hotel, entrance, EXT, luggage handle, cars arriving, doors
King’s cross station, EXT, public square, police sirens, passengers passing by, people coughing
King’s cross station, EXT, public square, police sirens, passengers passing by, people coughing
Office, bank, paper work, high heels, medium crowd, Belgrade, Serbia
Office, bank, paper work, high heels, medium crowd, Belgrade, Serbia
Market, EXT, at port near street traffic, register beeping, cash payment, sandals, Ibiza, Spain
Market, EXT, at port near street traffic, register beeping, cash payment, sandals, Ibiza, Spain
Office courtyard, EXT, few people, escalators squeaking, metal, street nearby, Ibiza, Spain
Office courtyard, EXT, few people, escalators squeaking, metal, street nearby, Ibiza, Spain
Cafe, EXT, small crowd, people talking, close cups and dishes clinking, Bregenz, Austria
Cafe, EXT, small crowd, people talking, close cups and dishes clinking, Bregenz, Austria