Promenade walkway near lake Bodensee, people walking by, talking, children, traffic, Bregenz, Austria
Promenade walkway near lake Bodensee, people walking by, talking, children, traffic, Bregenz, Austria
Promenade walkway near lake Bodensee, people walking by, talking, children, traffic, Bregenz, Austria
Related Sounds
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River Rhine, Rhein, ducks, people and dog on leash walking by, talking, cars passing, tram passing, Basel, Switzerland
Woods, tourist path, people walking by, talking, distant plane, Schwangau, Germany
Woods, tourist path, people walking by, talking, distant plane, Schwangau, Germany
City, church bells, pedestrian zone, few people walking by, talking, children, fast bike drive by, Memmingen, Germany
City, church bells, pedestrian zone, few people walking by, talking, children, fast bike drive by, Memmingen, Germany
Square, pedestrian zone, close bell, distant church bells, people walking by, talking, laughing, children, distant traffic, Bregenz, Austria
Square, pedestrian zone, close bell, distant church bells, people walking by, talking, laughing, children, distant traffic, Bregenz, Austria
Airport EXT, cars and busses passing by, people with trolleys walking by, talking, small crowd, Rome, Italy
Airport EXT, cars and busses passing by, people with trolleys walking by, talking, small crowd, Rome, Italy
Restaurant, medium crowd, talking, German language, dishes clinking, chairs being moved, evening ambience, Memmingen, Germany
Restaurant, medium crowd, talking, German language, dishes clinking, chairs being moved, evening ambience, Memmingen, Germany