Cafe, EXT, small crowd, people talking, close cups and dishes clinking, Bregenz, Austria
Park, near playground, children, people walking by, talking, distant traffic, Bregenz, Austria
Lake, Bodensee, gravel, birds, people walking by, talking, shouting, laughing, distant traffic, bird, Bregenz, Austria
Square, pedestrian zone, close bell, distant church bells, people walking by, talking, laughing, children, distant traffic, Bregenz, Austria
Square, fall, motorbike arrives, wind in trees, leaves in the ground, traffic, people walking by, talking, Bregenz, Austria
Promenade walkway near lake Bodensee, people walking by, talking, children, traffic, Bregenz, Austria
Park, near playground, children, people walking by, talking, distant church bells, distant ambulance, distant traffic, Bregenz, Austria