Airport, gate,TV in BG, people talking, waiting lounge, New York City, USA

 3,10 incl. VAT
Filetype 96KHz, Ambisonics 1st order b-format .wav and binaural stereo .wav
Author Horst Schnattler
Length 03:06

Airport, gate,TV in BG, people talking, waiting lounge, New York City, USA

Airport, gate,TV in BG, people talking, waiting lounge, New York City, USA

Price  3,10 incl. VAT
Filetype 96KHz, Ambisonics 1st order b-format .wav and binaural stereo .wav
Author Horst Schnattler
Length 03:06
 3,10incl. VAT

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Airport, Oslo, check in hall, International language, handle luggage

Airport, Oslo, check in hall, International language, handle luggage

Price  2,97 incl. VAT
Filetype 96KHz, Ambisonics B-Format .wav and Binaural .wav
Author Horst Schnattler
Length 02:58
 2,97incl. VAT

Bus ride, 6 stops few passengers, people talking, arriving and leaving stops, Rome, Italy

Bus ride, 6 stops few passengers, people talking, arriving and leaving stops, Rome, Italy

Price  7,65 incl. VAT
Filetype 96KHz, Ambisonics B-Format .wav and binaural stereo .wav
Author Horst Schnattler
Length 7:39
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Train station, people talking, laughing, distant trains, air valve, beeping cart, Rome, Italy

Train station, people talking, laughing, distant trains, air valve, beeping cart, Rome, Italy

Price  3,53 incl. VAT
Filetype 96KHz, Ambisonics B-Format .wav and binaural stereo .wav
Author Horst Schnattler
Length 3:32
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Cafe, EXT, busy, people talking, children shouting, dishes clinking, traffic, short version, Ibiza, Spain

Cafe, EXT, busy, people talking, children shouting, dishes clinking, traffic, short version, Ibiza, Spain

Price  3,52 incl. VAT
Filetype 96KHz, Ambisonics 1st order b-format .wav and 48KHz binaural stereo .wav
Author Horst Schnattler
Length 03:31
 3,52incl. VAT

Tourist bus stop in the woods, distant live bongo nearby, bus motor idling, people talking, Schwangau, Germany

Tourist bus stop in the woods, distant live bongo nearby, bus motor idling, people talking, Schwangau, Germany

Price  2,08 incl. VAT
Filetype 96KHz, Ambisonics B-Format .wav and binaural stereo .wav
Author Horst Schnattler
Length 02:05
 2,08incl. VAT

Square, fountains, near Piazza San Pietro, people walking by, people talking, busses arriving and leaving, Rome, Italy

Square, fountains, near Piazza San Pietro, people walking by, people talking, busses arriving and leaving, Rome, Italy

Price  4,55 incl. VAT
Filetype 96KHz, Ambisonics B-Format .wav and binaural stereo .wav
Author Horst Schnattler
Length 4:33
 4,55incl. VAT