Park, near Brooklyn Bridge, close water, splashing waves, helicopters, baby and women laughing, police siren, pedestrians taking pictures, New York City, USA
Park, near Brooklyn Bridge, close water, splashing waves, helicopters, baby and women laughing, police siren, pedestrians taking pictures, New York City, USA
Park, near Brooklyn Bridge, close water, splashing waves, helicopters, baby and women laughing, police siren, pedestrians taking pictures, New York City, USA
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Park, Chelsea, Manhattan, playground, ball games, basketball, soccer, skateboard, children, New York City, USA
Park, Chelsea, Manhattan, playground, ball games, basketball, soccer, skateboard, children, New York City, USA
University hallway with doors, reverberant, stairs, people talking, walking by, doors, New York City, USA
University hallway with doors, reverberant, stairs, people talking, walking by, doors, New York City, USA
Park, kids playing football, kids screaming, families, people talking, helicopter overhead 2min20, New York City, USA
Park, kids playing football, kids screaming, families, people talking, helicopter overhead 2min20, New York City, USA
Cafe, busy place, large crowd, cutlery, waiters, ordering, New York City, USA
Cafe, busy place, large crowd, cutlery, waiters, ordering, New York City, USA
Square, Columbus Circle, amidst fountains, traffic, police siren, car horns, people walking by, talking, evening ambience, New York City, USA
Square, Columbus Circle, amidst fountains, traffic, police siren, car horns, people walking by, talking, evening ambience, New York City, USA
Park, Brooklyn, near carousel, pedestrians, people talking, distant traffic, helicopter, wind in trees, New York City, USA
Park, Brooklyn, near carousel, pedestrians, people talking, distant traffic, helicopter, wind in trees, New York City, USA