Restaurant, Greenwich Village, Manhattan, medium size crowd, fridge doors, conversations, New York City, USA
Restaurant, Greenwich Village, Manhattan, medium size crowd, fridge doors, conversations, New York City, USA
Restaurant, Greenwich Village, Manhattan, medium size crowd, fridge doors, conversations, New York City, USA
Related Sounds
Restaurant, Thai food, water fountain, dishes, cutlery, short, New York City, USA
Restaurant, Thai food, water fountain, dishes, cutlery, short, New York City, USA
Aquarium, terrarium, German language, snake show, adults, children, conversations, filter AC humming, Krk, Croatia
Aquarium, terrarium, German language, snake show, adults, children, conversations, filter AC humming, Krk, Croatia
Restaurant, EXT, few people, kids calling, cutlery, Ibiza, Spain
Restaurant, EXT, few people, kids calling, cutlery, Ibiza, Spain
Bar, Cafe, Restaurant, busy, people talking, dishes clinking, waitress, Zurich, Switzerland
Bar, Cafe, Restaurant, busy, people talking, dishes clinking, waitress, Zurich, Switzerland
Restaurant, terrace EXT near port, conversations, dishes, distant motorboats, Krk, Croatia
Restaurant, terrace EXT near port, conversations, dishes, distant motorboats, Krk, Croatia
Protest march, Fridays for Future, in the middle of large crowd, cheering, applause, clapping, helicopter, conversations, New York City, USA
Protest march, Fridays for Future, in the middle of large crowd, cheering, applause, clapping, helicopter, conversations, New York City, USA