Cafe, small room, Barista at work, making coffee, milk, people talking closely, fridge doors, Poznan, Poland
Cafe, small room, Barista at work, making coffee, milk, people talking closely, fridge doors, Poznan, Poland
Cafe, small room, Barista at work, making coffee, milk, people talking closely, fridge doors, Poznan, Poland
Related Sounds
Cafe, EXT, small crowd, people talking, close cups and dishes clinking, Bregenz, Austria
Cafe, EXT, small crowd, people talking, close cups and dishes clinking, Bregenz, Austria
Cafe, self-service, checkout in background, register beeping, coffee machine 3min, chairs being moved, cutlery sorted, Rohrdorf, Germany
Cafe, self-service, checkout in background, register beeping, coffee machine 3min, chairs being moved, cutlery sorted, Rohrdorf, Germany
Cafe, coffee machine, people talking, dishes clinking, Ibiza, Spain
Cafe, coffee machine, people talking, dishes clinking, Ibiza, Spain
Museum, gallery, small room, small crowd, tiles, international language, some kids
Museum, gallery, small room, small crowd, tiles, international language, some kids
Cafe, EXT, busy, people talking, children shouting, dishes clinking, traffic, short version, Ibiza, Spain
Cafe, EXT, busy, people talking, children shouting, dishes clinking, traffic, short version, Ibiza, Spain
Cafe, airport, busy, bar, people talking, preparing food, opening and closing kitchen appliances, preparing coffee, handling money, Rome, Italy
Cafe, airport, busy, bar, people talking, preparing food, opening and closing kitchen appliances, preparing coffee, handling money, Rome, Italy