Related Sounds
Church, Stift Admont, no crowd, single person walk through, gentle traffic from outside
Church, Stift Admont, no crowd, single person walk through, gentle traffic from outside
Office, museum, entrance hall, near counter, arches, mouse clicking, voices in background, ventilation
Office, museum, entrance hall, near counter, arches, mouse clicking, voices in background, ventilation
Riverside, near City, runners, people jogging and cycling by, distant, heavy traffic
Riverside, near City, runners, people jogging and cycling by, distant, heavy traffic
Courtyard, birds, distant fountain, distant traffic, merl, sparrow
Courtyard, birds, distant fountain, distant traffic, merl, sparrow
Restaurant, small crowd, talking, distant kitchen, Austrian language
Restaurant, small crowd, talking, distant kitchen, Austrian language
Church square, birds, larch, sparrow, distant traffic, some distant voices
Church square, birds, larch, sparrow, distant traffic, some distant voices