Shop, book store, near counter, cashier, metal cash register open and close, customer conversation, London, UK

 5,73 incl. VAT
Filetype 48KHz, Ambisonics B-Format .wav and binaural stereo .wav
Author Horst Schnattler
Length 05:44

Shop, book store, near counter, cashier, metal cash register open and close, customer conversation, London, UK

Shop, book store, near counter, cashier, metal cash register open and close, customer conversation, London, UK

Price  5,73 incl. VAT
Filetype 48KHz, Ambisonics B-Format .wav and binaural stereo .wav
Author Horst Schnattler
Length 05:44
 5,73incl. VAT

Related Sounds

Book store, small, kids, people talking, walking by closely, register beeping, close sorting, close foot steps on wooden floor, Zurich, Switzerland

Book store, small, kids, people talking, walking by closely, register beeping, close sorting, close foot steps on wooden floor, Zurich, Switzerland

Price  1,70 incl. VAT
Filetype 96KHz, Ambisonics B-Format .wav and binaural stereo .wav
Author Horst Schnattler
Length 01:42
 1,70incl. VAT

Shop, gifts, medium crowd, kids, carpet floor, International language

Shop, gifts, medium crowd, kids, carpet floor, International language

Price  3,08 incl. VAT
Filetype 96KHz, Ambisonics B-Format .wav and binaural stereo .wav
Author Horst Schnattler
Length 03:05
 3,08incl. VAT

Shop, small, quiet, customers and clerk talking, till, money, jewelry, wooden drawer, sticky floor, Paris, France

Shop, small, quiet, customers and clerk talking, till, money, jewelry, wooden drawer, sticky floor, Paris, France

Price  5,32 incl. VAT
Filetype KHz, Ambisonics B-Format .wav and binaural stereo .wavKHz, Ambisonics B-Format .wav and binaural stereo .wavKHz, Ambisonics B-Format .wav and binaural stereo .wavKHz, Ambisonics B-Format .wav and binaural stereo .wavKHz, Ambisonics B-Format .wav and binaural stereo .wavKHz, Ambisonics B-Format .wav and binaural stereo .wavKHz, Ambisonics B-Format .wav and binaural stereo .wav
Author Horst Schnattler
Length 05:19
 5,32incl. VAT

Office, museum, entrance hall, near counter, arches, mouse clicking, voices in background, ventilation

Office, museum, entrance hall, near counter, arches, mouse clicking, voices in background, ventilation

Price  3,10 incl. VAT
Filetype 96KHz, Ambisonics B-Format .wav and Binaural .wav
Author Horst Schnattler
Length 03:18
 3,10incl. VAT

Shop, book store, small crowd, paper wrapping, Austrian language, wooden floor, high ceiling

Shop, book store, small crowd, paper wrapping, Austrian language, wooden floor, high ceiling

Price  2,30 incl. VAT
Categories /
Filetype 96KHz, Ambisonics B-Format .wav and binaural stereo .wav
Author Horst Schnattler
Length 02:38
 2,30incl. VAT

Shop, Chelsea, Manhattan, few customers, cash register, air conditioning, cloth hangers, product handling

Shop, Chelsea, Manhattan, few customers, cash register, air conditioning, cloth hangers, product handling

Price  4,45 incl. VAT
Filetype 96KHz, Ambisonics 1st order b-format .wav and binaural stereo .wav
Author Horst Schnattler
Length 04:27
 4,45incl. VAT